I had six amazing, beautiful ideas lined up to write about today, but when I woke up this morning, I felt like I was swallowing glass. In other, less disgusting words, I had a sore throat. So, then I had this ingenious idea to write about ways to stop being sick, and also ways to prevent being sick. For those of you who don't know, your
immune system is responsible for making you sick, or not sick. If you barely ever get sick, and are only sick if someone in your household got you sick (thanks Dar), then you probably have a good immune system. If you are always sick and are convinced that you have a chronic illness that no doctor can figure out, then you most likely have a bad immune system, and you should fix that right away. But, today I'm bringing you some tips for when you are sick- good immune system or not.
Tip #1- Since I am sick with only a sore throat, this tip is about how to fix a sore throat. I know if you go on the internet and look up "how to not be sick," there will be 10 billion super weird home remedies, and all of them probably contain eye of newt, or vinegar. But this one actually works. Take really, really hot water, like the hottest that you can possibly put into your mouth without dying, then add enough salt to make it taste really, really salty, then drink it and watch as your cells implode from osmosis. Just kidding, don't actually do that, it would be very bad. Instead of drinking the salt water and dying, just gargle with it instead. Do that a few times, then your throat will pretty much immediately feel better. It's honestly a miracle worker. Disclosure- this doesn't fix your sickness and make you healthy forever, it just makes you feel better for a few hours.
Tip #2- My next tip is possibly even weirder that the first, but it's even better and actually makes you not sick anymore. This trick can be done while sick to stop being sick, or the rest of your life to prevent yourself from getting sick (ahem, people with bad immune systems, this one is for you). Take a mug of orange juice. Then, put a spoonful of coconut oil in the orange juice (you can get
coconut oil at Costco, and the regular store, and kind of anywhere, it's really not that uncommon). After that, microwave the orange juice and coconut oil until the coconut oil is melted in the orange juice. Stir. Drink. Trust me, it
is as bad at it sounds. But, I also hate orange juice and coconuts, so maybe it'll be better for you. This also is a miracle worker, and I'm only ever sick for a day because whenever I think I'm getting sick, I just drink this, then I'm all better.
Tip #3- This tip is much less weird than the last two, and much more well known. Drink tea. That will help you with a sore throat. You could drink other warm beverages, but stuff that has sugar in it like hot chocolate isn't good, because you should try to stay away from sugar if you're sick. Correction, you should always stay away from sugar. My favorite tea to drink when I'm sick is mint tea, with cream. It's super delicious and your breath smells good after drinking it. \
Does anybody actually drink tea out of glass coffee cups?
Courtesy of Pintrest |
Tip #4- I'm running out of words, so my last tip is to take vitamin C. This doesn't help you not be sick, but it helps you not get sick. In less confusing words, it's good for your immune system.
I apologize if this post is weird, but I'm sick so. . .